Classroom Overview

Grades K-2
Create, perform and respond using grade level rhythmic and melodic concepts. 
Understanding basic form and structure in music. 
Experience music, movement, storytelling and singing. 
Explore a variety of musical instruments, including Orff instruments. 
Understand the role music plays in our everyday lives. 
Experience historical and cultural aspects of music. 

Grades 3-5
Create, perform and respond using grade level rhythmic and melodic concepts.
Understand form and structure in music, especially in music notation. 
Experience making music with wind and stringed instruments, and the voice. 
Grade level music literacy. 
Understanding the importance of music in our lives and the world around us. 

Grades 6-8

Create, perform and respond using grade level rhythmic and melodic concepts.
Explore how technology is used in music creation and music education. 
Continue to perform and explore using a variety of instruments. 
Students respond to and evaluate music. 
Students make connections between music and literature.

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