Special Education

The Sherman Public School educates students ages 3-21 eligible under IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) through a continuum of district services and supports. Services may include special education, speech and language, school psychology, school guidance counselor, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and/or behavioral support.

Individual student needs are identified and programs are planned through the Planning and Placement Team (PPT). The PPT identifies students eligible to receive special education and designs Individualized Education Plans (IEPs). To the greatest extent possible, students participate in the general education curriculum with supports, services, and instruction designed to allow them to demonstrate their knowledge, skills and abilities in a variety of ways. We believe in maximizing the opportunities for students to thrive in the regular classroom through the use of inclusive specialist services and paraprofessional support. Parents are valued partners in the Planning and Placement Team process. Coordinated support from both home and school is essential to helping students achieve their potential.

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