NOTICE: AS OF 1/28/25, THE PK4 (P.E.E.P.S.) PROGRAM IS AT CAPACITY FOR THE 2025-2026 SCHOOL YEAR. To add your child to our waitlist, please email [email protected].
Sherman School’s integrated special education preschool program is now seeking notice of intent to enroll new students for the 2025-2026 school year. Children must be a resident of Sherman and turn 3 or 4 years old by September 1, 2025 to participate. The program is structured so that three year-olds attend four days per week (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.) and four year-olds attend five days per week (Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.). Preschoolers who are eligible can enroll for the S.A.I.L. program and those who meet the criteria to enter Kindergarten for the 2026-2027 school year can participate in the P.E.E.P.S. program. The preschool cost for the 2025-2026 school year will be $189 monthly for S.A.I.L. (PK3) and $251 monthly for P.E.E.P.S. (PK4).
S.A.I.L. - Sherman Activities In Learning, is an integrated preschool program that serves special education and general education children ages 3-5. The program’s curriculum is developmental and includes activities such as structured play, circle time, math, art, music, movement, and story time. While general education children receive the benefit of a high-quality preschool program, they also serve as role models for the special education children.
P.E.E.P.S. - Preschool Early Enrichment Program in Sherman, is an integrated preschool program for special education and general education children who are eligible for kindergarten the following school year. The P.E.E.P.S. program is designed to build students’ readiness for kindergarten by providing an additional 3 hours of enrichment activities daily. ***FULL FOR 2025-2026***
If you are interested in registering your child for these programs, please visit the school website at and complete the Pre-Registration form by February 1, 2025.
Please note that there will be a transition schedule in place for the first three weeks of the school year. The purpose of the transition schedule is to help the students acclimate to the new school year by following a shortened day schedule.