
The Sherman School PTO is better with you! Together we...

...Provide Educational Enrichment for the Children at The Sherman School

  • SPTO funds in-school speakers & assemblies, visiting authors, classroom tools & supplements field trip costs
  • SPTO brings children after school enrichment opportunities
  • SPTO cares by donating school supplies to The Sherman Social Services
  • SPTO celebrates teachers & students throughout the year for their contributions & achievements
  • SPTO encourages reading through regular book fairs & an annual bookmark contest

…Support our School

  • SPTO provides volunteer support
  • SPTO hosts staff appreciation events
  • SPTO collects rewards for education – box tops
  • SPTO partners with the Sherman Administration & the Board of Education to ensure our enrichment efforts are in line with overall educational goals
  • SPTO gives all members a parent/student directory (only includes members that choose to participate)
  • SPTO sends a monthly newsletter that includes upcoming events, meeting minutes & useful school information
  • SPTO conducts bi-monthly meetings.  Please look at the calendar for time & location.
  • SPTO posts on Facebook & on the SPTO page of the school’s website
…Build a Community
  • SPTO sponsors social events throughout the year for families, staff & the community including but not limited to the following: Harvest Fair, Senior Luncheon, Book Fair, Science Night, Movie Nights, Bingo Night, & PJ’s & Popcorn, Bake Sale & Boots & Bowties
It’s Good for the Children
  • As an adult in our community, you are the most important role model for our children.  When they see us working as a team, it encourages positive behavior in our children. 
  • Your support demonstrates that you value their education and will teach them to value it as well.
  • Research has shown that children whose parents are involved in their school get better results and have fewer disciplinary problems.
It’s Good for You
  • You get a say on how funds are spent, contribute ideas on how to raise money and raise concerns.
  • You will meet new people and enhance your parent network: It’s not all work, we like to play too.
  • If you have the time, there are opportunities to use your skills to help in many ways as well as acquire new skills during the process.
  • You will be informed about what is going on in the Sherman School by getting to know staff and other parents on a personal level.
It’s Good for the School
  • We are a Parent-led, independent organization that works with both the School Administration and the Board of Education.
  • Our fundraising revenue is used to supplement the school budget with enrichment programs for the Sherman School students and teachers.
  • You play an important role in helping the school acquire key resources as well as reward children with some well-earned treats.
Kristen Vogt - President
Caitlin Mandracchia & Donna Kennedy - Co-Vice-Presidents
Betsy Duckworth - Secretary
Amanda O’Neill - Treasurer


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